Create LST file - When checked will generate an LST load file for the text files.
Jet Export Fields
New Project – Project
The Project sub-tab under the New Project section contains the below fields:
Copy Previous Job – (Optional) Select a previous export to reuse its settings
Export Name – Enter a name for the current export. The name cannot have been previously used
Case – Select a Relativity Workspace to export from
Export Type – Select Production to export a Production from Relativity or Saved Search to export a Saved Search
Output Path – Select a directory for exporting productions or saved searches. Click the '...' button to browse for a location
Auto Start Local Drone – When selected, JetExport will automatically start a drone on the computer that was used to create the project
New Project – Settings
The Settings sub-tab under the New Project section contains the below fields:
Export Images – Select to export images files. If exporting a saved search, will export images found in the “main” image set from Relativity. If exporting from a production set, will export the imaging in the selected production images
Export Natives – Select to export native files. If exporting a saved search, will export natives for all documents that have a native. If export a production set will only export natives for documents that were marked to be produced natively when the production was created in Relativity
Export Text – Select to export text files
Export MetaData – Select to export metadata
Images Per Subfolder – The number of images to save in each subdirectory. Note – JetExport will never split images for a single document across multiple subfolders so the actual number of images in each subfolder will be as close to this number as possible but may not match exactly
Natives Per Subfolder – The number of natives to save in each subdirectory
Text Files Per Subfolder – The number of text files to save in each subdirectory
Images Per Batch – The maximum number of images that should be put into a single batch. E.g. if a user enters 1000 Images Per Batch, the drone will export 1000 images and then look for the next batch of 1000 images to export.
Natives Per Batch - The maximum number of natives that should be put into a single batch. E.g. if a user enters 1000 Natives Per Batch, the drone will export 1000 natives and then look for the next batch of 1000 natives to export.
Text Files Per Batch - The maximum number of natives that should be put into a single batch. E.g. if a user enters 1000 Text Files Per Batch, the drone will export 1000 text files and then look for the next batch of 1000 text files to export.
Documents Per Metadata Batch - The maximum number of documents that should be put into a single metadata batch. E.g. if a user enters 1000 Documents Per MetaData Batch, the drone will export metadata for 1000 documents and then look for the next batch of 1000 documents to export metadata.
Images Folder Name – The name of the directory to store the Images subdirectories
Natives Folder Name – The name of the directory to store the Natives subdirectories
Text Folder Name – The name of the directory to store the Text subdirectories
Data Folder Name – The name of the directory to store the loadfiles (e.g. .dat, .opt, .lst files)
Copy Files From Repository – When checked, images and natives will be copied to the selected output path. When unchecked, images and natives will not be copied. Instead, the loadfiles will reference the Relativity repository location of the files
Create OPT – When checked will generate an Opticon formatted image load file.
Create LFP - When checked will generate an IPro formatted image load file.
Use Relative Paths/Use Absolute Paths – when Use Relative Paths is selected, any path fields in the loadfiles exported will be relative paths e.g.:
when Use Absolute paths is selected, any path fiels in the loadfiles will be absolute paths e.g.:
Text File Encoding – The encoding to apply to the file exported text files. Choose “Load All Encodings” for more options
MetaData File Encoding - The encoding to apply to the document-level load. Choose “Load All Encodings” for more options
Text Precedence – Select which long text fields from Relativity to use for the exported text files. Click the '...' button to go to the Choose Text Precedence window. Move the available fields in the left column to the right column. Then order them by dragging them up and down in the right column to set their precedence. E.g. in the example below, for each document, JetExport will first check the OCR field. If it is not empty, the exported text will contain the contents of the OCR field. If it is empty, JetExport will use the contents of the Extracted Text field
New Project – Fields
The Fields sub-tab under the New Project section contains the below Items:
The large box on the left contains all available fields in the selected Relativity Workspace. The large box on the right lists the fields chosen to be exported. Choose fields to be exported by moving them to the box on the right. This can be done by double clicking the field, selecting fields and clicking ⯈, or by selecting fields and dragging them from the left box to the right box. Inside the selected fields box, fields can be re-ordered by selecting fields and using ⯅⯆, or by selecting fields and dragging them up or down the list.
Within the selected fields box there are two columns – Relativity Field Name and Dat File Header. If its necessary name the field in the exported metadata load file something other than how it is named in Relativity, the Dat File Header column can be manually edited to reflect the custom field header name. For example, if productions specs call for the Production::Begin Bates field to be named simply “BegBates” you can select the Production::Begin Bates field and manually edit the Dat File Header to read BegBates.
Alternate field selection methods:
From saved search – to select fields to be exported based on a saved search in Relativity. Select the saved search from the drop down and JetExport will populate the selected fields box with the fields displayed in the saved search in Relativity. Note – this only applies to what fields to export, it does not affect which documents will be exported.
From List – Fields to be exported can be selected via either a simple one-column text file or a two-column csv. If using a one-column txt file, the Relativity Field Name and Dat File Header will be the same. If using a two column csv, the Relativity Field Name will reflect the first column of the csv and the Dat File Header will reflect the second column of the csv. Click 'Browse...' to browse to a location of a csv or txt file.
From Relativity *.kwx file – Fields to be exported can be selected via an existing kwx file. Note – this only applies to fields to export. None of the other settings saved in the kwx will be read or applied to a JetExport project. Click 'Browse...' to browse to a location of a kwx file.